Wednesday, 18 April 2012

OneClick Root Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 Gingerbread

In this tutorial I will be showing how to root your Galaxy SII including the NFC models on Gingerbread 2.3.5.

DISCLAIMER: I will not be held responsible if you lose data or your device gets damaged in the following of this guide. Proceed at your own risk.

Step 1: Download SuperOneClick 2.3.3 using this link: Download

Step 2: Once downloaded, extract the .zip file. Ensure your device is connected to your computer.

Step 3: Open SuperOneClick as Administrator (right click)

Step 4: Once opened, make sure Exploit drop down on the right is set to Auto and then click Root.

The process takes a couple of minutes.

And there you have it. Your device is now rooted and ready for you to mod, tweak, and tailor to your specific needs!

Note: If at any point you want to remove the root just connect your phone to your computer, open SuperOneClick and select Unroot, its that easy.

Please comment if you found this post useful :)

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